PROGEPI affords research services in the field of Processes and Environment. This transfer center is backed by research laboratories of the University of Lorraine and the CNRS. For the realization of these services PROGEPI benefits the scientific support of researchers and teacher-researcher, as well as equipment and field device available in laboratories.
Located in Nancy, on the premises of ENSIC (Higher National School of Chemical Industry), PROGEPI relies on the expertise of its partner entities to offer industrial research and development services:
- In the fields of process engineering, with LRGP (Laboratory Reactions and Process Engineering), and LCPM (Laboratory Chemistry-Macro-Molecular Physics)
- In the field of sites and soils polluted with the GISFI (Group of Scientific Interest on Industrial wastelands).
PROGEPI is an integral part of the Carnot Lorrain ICEEL Institute on the themes of Energy and Environment, in recognition of its effective research collaboration with socio-economic partners, Progepi is certified to Research Tax Credit.